We've all heard it before. "Take B12 it will give you more energy than a cup of coffee" or "take vitamin C it will prevent you from getting sick." Is there any actual truth to this or are we all just wasting our money on supplements? It is true that vitamins and minerals are good for us and are required for a lot of basic bodily functions such as immune function, eye function, and growth and development. However, does that mean that just because we take a bunch of vitamin C and zinc everyday that we will never get sick? Probably not. When we are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals supplementation can be a way to ensure our body is getting what it needs. But if we are not deficient in anything, then taking supplements will either make your body excrete the excess amounts in your urine or will cause your body to overload and have possible toxic effects. Similar to a gas tank in your car, your body only needs a certain amount of vitamins and mine...